
SIP Creator

SIP creator is available

and can be tested

Archivematica SIP to AIP converter

Archivematica SIP to AIP converter as part of the custom workflow managed by Enduro. Technical details and code can be found at


Enduro is an open-source project described by the lead developer Artefactual, Inc.: “Enduro is a tool designed to automate the processing of transfers in Archivematica pipelines. It’s part of a preservation solution that is being used by the National Health Archive (NHA, Norway), and the National Center for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR, Canada).”

Enduro is a workflow management tool that is controlled by code. The AIP and DIP Creator provide that code such as to manage a workflow that embeds Archivematica into an E-ARK-compliant system. 

Enduro can be found at: